So I'm into my second week now and I am already starting to form connections with students. While making these connections I am gaining a lot of fun stories...
Story 1: The students are expected to come into the classroom and start journal questions that are on the board. Sound familiar? The question today was asking the student to predict if the Uni tied States population is the same or different than the world's population. This student replied there would be more Americans because Americans live in America. Just thought you should all know that!
Story 2: This particular student is trying to be "too cool for school!" I have become very fond of this kid however he is getting in trouble already in other classes due to outburst and bullying. Sad day :( So the other day this kid was bragging to the other kids about how much money he has and flashing lots of money to the other kids. Today he had folded up the money into rings which he wore on his fingers and proceeded to walk down the hall saying...."I got the bank on my fingers." Who is this kid? Aww but still love this kid!
Story 3: First period is slowly becoming one of my favorite classes, but my favorite part of the morning is what has become, Spanish word of the day. One of the students have decided that he wants to learn Spanish so we have been adding one word everyday which he then writes the word down. One of these words is"C" which is "Si". My favorite word however is "Ensalada de papa" which is potato salad. Yet for us we decided that this just sounds like a pimp name! Ensalada de papa!
More stories to come!
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