Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Everything has changed

I am now several days into the start of my student teaching semester, and already it is quite an experience. Everything is new! Everything has changed! It has been really hard for me to completely switch from my old life, which was only last week when I lived in Arvada. For the last few days I have spent most of my time missing all my friends and all the wonderful students in Arvada. Yet as much as I miss the students, I realized that I just can't wait to meet the new kids that will consume my life till December. I realized how much I miss having kids in my life when I started coaching volleyball on Monday.

I have been coaching volleyball for 3 days now, and I am already falling in love with these new little girls... and yes they are little!!!! I had one girl today all upset because she was worried about making the team. Oh how cute, she reminds so much of myself at that age. I reassured her that she is completely fine, but hope she continues to be a leader. I am really excited for these girls...p.s. I have two that can jump serve!!!! haha 6th graders who can jump serve! Oh the joy!

I also cannot wait till I actually have kids in the classroom. I am just really anxious and getting really tired of looking at old CSAP scores or sitting in meetings. I don't think I am alone. For example the Math teacher on my team in each of our meetings has either busted out a whoopie cushion, a tiger mask, or throwing a ball around. I think he will be a great influence on me... Oh and he also giggles with me when anyone says "Duty". My cooperating teacher is not impressed with bathroom humor. What am going to do?

The countdown is on to meet the new kids!

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