Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Text message hypothesis

Another week in to Student Teaching and still I am learning SO much everyday. Kiddos are still wanting to test me every single day. I didn't know that teaching was going to be just telling kids how to behave or what they can and can not do. Here is a list of my most common quotes over the last few weeks:
  • "sit still"
  • "turn around"
  • "no, you may not go to the bathroom"
  • "do you need a pencil?"
  • "where is your book?"
  • "Please keep your hands to yourself"
  • "where is your homework"
  • "why is your agenda in your locker?"
  • AND.. "No we are not going to have any fun today!"

However, I do have some bright parts to my day and still some quite funny stories. For example, I also grade papers. Yes bright part! Just kidding! No, but it can be funny to try to depict some of their writing due to spelling and capitalization errors. My favorite is when I tell kids they need to capitalize proper nouns such as America. Kids change: america to america. Well I think its humorous.

The next story I regret to tell you I didn't observe with my own eyes. However I am coaching volleyball and many of my girls are in my mother's science class. So this story is about on of my girls observed my my mother. One day my mom was doing a lab and was using scales. One of my volleyball girls places her cell phone on the scale to see how much it weighed. During the cell phone's stay on the scale the girl received a text message. She quickly said, "Oh I wonder if it weighs more with a new text message." Well it was a great hypothesis! I thought you technology gurus would like that story.

Monday, September 13, 2010

From Beiber fever to new friends

Its the start of the 5th week and I am finally starting to find my routine! Thank goodness! I cannot believe how fast the weeks seem to be flying by. I have been ready to quit several times and I have been so in love with teaching that I just can't wait to get there the next day. However, I have been learning sooo much in the last 2 weeks.

For example, I am figuring out that I actually have some classroom management! The kids are starting to stop testing me everyday in the classroom. Today I grumped at one of the students to stay on task. He quickly responded with, "Wow, I haven't seen you do that before. That was kinda scary." I responded with "Well, now we know its in their don't make me bring it out." So now the kids quickly called "it" the "Hulk". How how I love the comic book references. I also am starting to pick up on the little things the kids are trying to get away with in class, like texting, listening to ipods, or reading. Yes, they are trying to read and I have to tell them to put their book away. Shocking!

There has been several stories over the last few weeks that have made me laugh. Oh yes, share time! First has to be a volleyball story. It was the practice after our first game and I had gotten the team together to talk about the game. One of my questions was, "Is there anything that is going on with you that might affect the team?" One of the sweetest girls raised her hand and said "Yes, I would just like the team to know that I am coming into my feminine years." I'm not kidding you this is what she said. How am I supposed to respond to that? AND how am i supposed to respond to that without laughing. Anyway I would just like you all to know that we have now played two games, and have won them both very easily! These girls are really REALLY good! For 6th graders!

The next story has to do with music, or what some call music. We had the students fill out information about themselves. From questions like what makes you mad, how do you learn best, what is a memory from a subject, to what is your favorite music, movies etc. So this one girls paper that I was reading made me laugh and so I would like to share and answer of hers with you. To the question what is your favorite music she wrote the following bands: Slipknot, Metallic, Ozzy Osborn, Rage Against the Machine, 50 cent, Eminem, and...... Justin Bieber! Huh? It's like a game of which one of these doesn't belong. Oh but come on, Justin Beiber he is so good! It's Bieber Fever!

There are some other interesting kiddos in the class. They are now being able to vocalize their fears and freak outs with me AND its almost on a daily basis now. They are just so high maintenance. One of these high maintenance kiddos came scrambling up to me during class in a class 5 freak out. He quickly asked if he could go to the nurse because he was bleeding under his skin. When in reality it was just a marker. Now, before you say, oh Kendra he was just trying to get out of class, that is what I thought too! So I quickly sent him back to his desk and kinda chuckled at his failed attempt. However, either this kid is a very good actor and just went all in or he actually had a mental break down. He began to cry and legitimately freak out. So I had to go over and calm him down before the class was completely off task and therefore chaos. Oh wait too late! Finally, I convinced the kid that it was just marker and he could go wash his hands in the bathroom. He finally relaxed and did his work. Oh and your are correct he never went to the nurse. Just one of the many things I deal with.

Then there is one of my favorite students. I pretty much have a story a day about this kid. This kid really struggles with social cues and is highly analytical and must follow the rules to a T. To demonstrate this kids thinking I will share two of my favorite stories. First of all we have levels of talking from 0-4 in our class. 0 is no talking, 1 is whisper, 2, quiet voice, 3 presentation voice, 4 outside voice. We usually work in a 0 talking level. Therefore this kid was ripping up his journal and crumpling paper when I walked over to talk to him. I asked if I could help or whats wrong. He replied with, "I can't ask a question because we are at a 0 talking level or I would tell you that I 100% don't get this." I told him you can always ask a question if of course you raise your hand. Another moment with this kid happened today. We were playing this atlas game and before the game started I went over to help him with his warm-up for the day. In the midst of trying to calm him down and to get him pumped for the game this student replied with. "No offense but my biggest challenge today is going to be against myself" Amen kid, ME TOO!

Well, it finally happened! We all new it would! I mean really it was just a matter of time before.... I was asked if I was a new student! Yes, little me got mistaken as an 8th grader! I was observing an 8th grade class when one sweet little girl leaned over and asked if i needed help getting caught up to what was going on in the class, and even asked if I wanted to eat lunch with her friends. I honestly thought about taking her up on the offer. I made a new friend!